Baptism Babe

Our little William turned five months! With all these doctors visits and wrangling a threenager, the time really does fly by. We are definitely trying are hardest to be "unplugged", in the moment and appreciate every little thing with these boys. I think I need to try harder though, I'm already getting Henry's lectures about getting off my phone.

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Gigi & Pop Pop

A couple of years back I did an anniversary session for my parents, who if you didn't know, are the cutest couple. We kept it really simple and went to the park close to their house - we absolutely loved how they turned out. Anyways, with Mother's Day around the corner my mom was saying we should do another session at the same park, but this time with my boys. I LOVED her idea.

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Pumpkin Patch Playdate

The last two years we've taken Henry to the Uesugi Pumpkin Patch, it had been total chaos. It was always super crowded, way too hot and way too stressful. We'd always leave sweaty, tired and with a cranky kid. This time I wanted to go the first day it opened, first thing in the morning, and with friends.  It was seriously the best decision ever. 

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Clearview Orchards

Last year our dear friends, Jackie & Geoff, invited us all to go apple picking! Leave it to Jackie to find the perfect, and what is now my favorite, apple orchard - Clearview Orchard in Watsonville.  After our first visit, I knew that I wanted to make it an annual activity to welcome the fall. 

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Alexandra AlmeidaComment
by the Sea

We got invited to a friend's birthday celebration the other day at Carmel beach. We were so excited because it's a rare thing that we get invited to a Henry friendly event. Henry loves going to the beach & had never been to Carmel, so it was going to be a new adventure for him. He LOVED it. 

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Hello, Honey.

Are you seeing what I'm seeing right now? Look at that ridiculously perfect little sun-kissed cherub nugget of gold munching away. Don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks and smother him with hugs and kisses? I do. All the time. ALL. THE. TIME.

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