Baptism Babe


Our little William turned five months! With all these doctors visits and wrangling a threenager, the time really does fly by. We are definitely trying are hardest to be "unplugged", in the moment and appreciate every little thing with these boys. I think I need to try harder though, I'm already getting Henry's lectures about getting off my phone.


Anyways, Will got baptized! We chose to do it at the same church Henry had his - which is the same parish I attended throughout my childhood. I have so many memories there - good and bad - and it made me so happy to see my little babe up at the alter following the same footsteps. 


Henry was definitely stealing the spotlight though when he continuously ran up and down the altar and then stopped to pick his nose for the world to see. It was absolutely lovely. 


As for William, we were very proud of him because he did SO well. We all assumed he would be doing his infamous screeching the entire time, but he was actually okay with everything!  Also, I always forget how much I love the different aromas in the church. When the priest put the chrism on Will, it smelled so good. I feel like I'm sounding like a creep, but it does! I love that smell and was happy that it seeped into his little bonnet and romper.


We chose our siblings to be Henry's godparents three years ago, and we were so lucky that they said yes to being William's godparents, too! Seriously so grateful for these two. To top it off, my brother-in-law and his girlfriend drove all the way up from LA for the ceremony which was just beyond. A million thanks to the three of you!


I was pretty devastated about the lighting (I was only prepared for the usual overcast Salinas weather - really wished we did photos before the ceremony but c'est la vie), but I still forced every one to take photos. Everyone was incredibly patient with me haha. 

Afterwards, we all went to lunch at Tarpy's and that's when Will decided enough was enough - release the kraken!! Ya, he pretty much screeched and cried the entire time, but that didn't stop us from eating and enjoying it! (nothing can ever stop us from eating.)


 I am forever grateful that we have such an amazing family. They are always there for us and especially for our boys. It really does take a village - we love you guys!

