by the Sea

We got invited to a friend's birthday celebration the other day at Carmel beach. We were pretty excited because it's a rare thing that we get invited to a Henry friendly event. (It's even rarer being able to go.) Plus, Henry loves going to the beach & had never been to Carmel, so it was going to be a new adventure for him. aaaaand he LOVED it. 

It was seriously perfect weather & he got to do a bit of exploring. It was getting a bit late as the party was winding down, but Henry did not want to leave. He insisted that we head down the hill to see the water. INSISTED. Henry loves the beach, but he usually hates the water - it scares him and he usually complains that the water is freezing, so we were totally surprised when he was so adamant about seeing the ocean. I'm so glad we listened to him and stayed a little later than planned.

This was the most we had ever seen him in the water. He was in heaven. It gave him such a little rush running back & forth chasing and running from the waves. He just didn't want to leave. 

Eventually the waves caught up to him and he got SOAKED, so we had to get our little karate kid changed, dry & warm. As we were walking uphill back to the car, he refused to let us pick him up. Then we realized why... he was constantly veering off and fumbling while blatantly gawking at a group of teenage girls. They waved at him and he was all smiles and giggles before he ate it in the sand. (He is SO much like his Daddy.) 

Anyways, we're definitely bringing him back and hope he continues to grow his sense of adventure and courage. Just hopefully with a little less flirting next time. 

Well done, little grasshopper.
